Wednesday, August 11, 2010

James Richard Clark III "Baby James"

March 22, 2010 my sister Mary and brother in law Jimmy had my very first nephew! He is 4 months old now and I am completely obsessed with him!!! He already weighs 21 pounds at just 4 months- he will definitely be a football star! Ella at 4 years weighs 35 just to give a comparison!!!!His age now is so adorable with his sweet personality, smiling and laughing all the time. He is also a snuggly baby and loves to sleep on my shoulder. I have the most adorable niece and nephew in the world!


The last dog post was after Buddy was born and I haven't updated since. We have had Buddy since November and I am quite eager for puppyhood to be over!! Now that he is fully grown, some of the puppy antics aren't as cute as when he was small and could be picked up! We love him so much though and just laugh at him constantly. especially when he got his summer shave! Buddy eats everything and he swallows whatever he can whole, rather than taking the time to chew it! We have had 3 vet visits for this and a few other instances of Buddy luckily "getting rid" of things he had in his stomach on his own. We have not had any shedding at all which is a dream come true. I can finally have a big dog that I am not allergic to! On the other hand, sadie is not too thrilled about having a hyper brother. She constantly growls and gives the "fighting face" so he will leave her alone. He is actually pretty scared of her! Here are a few pictures of them on July 4th weekend.

Monday, August 9, 2010

It has been a while since I have posted anything on this site so I figured I would start back! Wedding planning and then several months have come and gone way too fast, so lots of updates to add to the blog. I am so thankful for every thing in my life and feel like the luckiest person in the world.