Monday, January 2, 2012


I know many of my blogger friends have adopted or are in the process of adopting. I wanted to find out which agencies you have worked with and what your experience is-was like. We have talked to several agencies starting last Spring after our failed IUI's but wanted to pursue the most aggressive form of fertility treatment with IVF before we made any decisions. and with my fertility insurance it made sense.
Would love any insight! is my email.
And thank you for all of your words of encouragement. I am still numb and broken hearted, angry, confused and about 1,000 other emotions. This is certainly the worst thing I have ever been through in my life and extremely hard to understand. I am so glad that I was off work today and had another day to just process this. I am still in my pajamas at 3:30 but deserve this today. Just hope I have the strength to make it through the rest of the week.
Not a fan of 2012 so far!


  1. :( I'm still so sorry this didnt work! Really makes me sad. But I do like that you are thinking ahead a little and gathering some adoption information! Shows you are NOT giving up. I hope and pray that you can heal a little from this blow. We requested adoption info from Bethany Christian Services in January of 2011. Just to look into it. But we are in NY not sure if they have that agency where you are. I do know of a friend who is actually using that service right now. Good luck to you. xo

  2. 2012 is going to get better, believe me...there are great things ahead of you....Remember Romans 8:28 (another great book like my favorite, When Life is Hard) is The Promise. Its really a great read for anyone...cant wait to get together.

  3. Hey Lauren...thanks for stopping by my blog and now a follower. I am very sorry IVF #2 did not result in a BFP. Brutal. Sucks. All I can say is before you make any major decisions just sit back and let the numbness of the grief subside. Hard to do but sooo necessary. Hugs.

  4. Hey Lauren,
    Brian & I have a friend who adopted a little girl a little over a year ago and had a wonderful experience. I can get you the information on who they used. I am sure she would be happy to talk to you about what they went through. XOXO

  5. Have you considered Embroyo Adoption? If you have insurance it would be covered by it. It is a lot less costly than traditional adoption and you control the prenatal environment. But it is treatments and might be burned out of it, although it is simpler procedure than IVF. I am now pregnant after only the first attempt at transfer of 2 adopted embroyo(one pregnancy).

  6. Checking back in on you. Wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. I do have agencies. I will email later. You deserve this time to sit in pjs. I'm so sorry.
