Monday, October 17, 2011

Endometrial biopsy date change!

Brian and I went to my OBGYN today to have this lovely procedure done. I stayed home from work today because I am sick with some sort of cold, sinus funk, etc. and have had fever. So I really didn't even get worked up about having my uterus prodded today feeling so crappy to begin with! We get there and have the infamous question..."IS THERE ANY CHANCE YOU COULD BE PREGNANT?" Hmmm, let's see, almost 2 years and no luck- not even with fertility treatments I will say no, more like hell no. However, we did "try" on our own this month (not expecting to get pregnant even the tiniest bit) but had to disclose the info. This was after a girl my husband knew who was in the waiting room came up to talk to him and said "Oh- you must be pregnant since y'all are here together." I wanted to come out of my chair and say "Hell no I am not pregnant. Sorry I am not like you where you are just here for your easy ultrasound. I am here to have a painful procedure to see if I can even GET pregnant" UGH!
So, back to the biopsy...the office called my RE in Chattanooga and explained the situation. So just to be on the safe side I get to anticipate this for another week and a half of so when I am "cleared" from not being pregnant!
I will keep you posted on how this goes in a week or so when we go back. Thanks for all the info for everyone that has had this done!!!


  1. Ugh, sorry you have to wait another week thinking about the procedure, but I am glad they are waiting to do it. As frustrating as it is to think, yeah, right, like it actually worked on our own...I know a woman who had a bad experience with not knowing before a different procedure (she bled, but never tested) and it turns out she was in fact pregnant at the time of the procedure.

  2. Hang in there girl. I got asked that question a couple times last week while I was in the hospital. Yuck, yuck, yuck. *hug*

  3. i hope you feel better soon! so sorry for the insensitive question! grrr people just don't get it sometimes!
    i hope your wait goes by quickly! and i hope the procedure goes as well as possible.
    i had one a year ago. it wasn't too bad. i squeezed the life out of my husband's hand and took a BIG deep breath.
    lots of love hun!!
    maria <3

  4. People should be prohibited from asking this question. My husband won't even say things to honoree's at a baby shower. He says he plays it safe and congrats when the mom is holding the baby. NEVER, "Are you pregnant?"
