Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Embabies update!

We are on for a 5 day transfer...YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! Last time we did a 3 day, so praying these will be much more developed!!!
9 are still in the game, one is going a little fast and has 7 cells. The others are under 4 cells, so she has given them a 2-3 rating. One is the best but she grades extra hard. She said all looks good though and we are certainly on the right track.
So we will head back to Chattanooga Thursday night, have the transfer at 9 AM Friday...then back to Memphis for my embabies to get nice and cozy!!!

I am trying to finish EVERYTHING for Christmas before we leave so I can rest Friday and Saturday, then head to family on Christmas eve. We didn't get a big tree this year...since we were in Chattanooga longer than expected and have to go back, it didn't work out. So, my sweet mother and step father bought this "baby" tree for us. What a perfect theme for this Christmas- with babies on our mind! So I decorated our baby tree last night and think it's just perfect for us this year. I am almost finished wrapping and shopping as well! Merry Christmas everyone! Praying we get our little Christmas miracle.


  1. Yay for a 5 day! That's great :)

  2. Very cute baby tree! Hoping the 5 day transfer brings you your christmas miracle too! :)

  3. So glad the embies are still growing!

    That's a really cute tree BTW.

  4. Yay for good embies! Your tree looks great. I love all the polka dots!

  5. That is such great news! Have a wonderful Christmas.

  6. Grow babies grow!!!
    Love that tree and the wrapping!!!
