Today is the day. All of the shots and every bit of medicine my body has endured comes down to today. I can't even begin to describe the wide range of emotions I am experiencing right now.
The hardest thing about infertility is not having control over the situation. In my life I have worked hard to get what I want. If I want something I put my mind to it and get it done. For instance- I majored in education, decided not to teach because I wanted to go into pharmaceutical sales. Knowing this would be hard to achieve I pushed on- got a job in radio sales to gain experience and now-I have spent the last 9 years in the medical sales industry. Why can't this work that way? We would make wonderful parents and there is nothing that we want more. It truly is very difficult to grasp. I know I have no control today over how many eggs they retrieve but please please let this work!
We leave in 30 minutes for the surgery center. Anesthesia always scares me so I am definitely on edge. Please continue to pray for us. Thank you friends and family.
Thinking of you today and praying that all goes well. I have never been under anesthesia so that scares me too. Give us an update on how it all goes :)